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we were


to become rescuers

See how lives are being impacted by your generosity and our job placement program

for those who have graduated from addiction recovery!

Mark's Story...

Serving families and individuals battling the effects of addiction 

Families Against Narcotics

Our partnership in FAN's Annual Fall Fest  was a grand slam! Local dignitaries, business owners, the FAN board and our Emerge leadership team all spoke to a standing-room-only crowd!  Bad Axe, MI based radio station, WLEW, was a great supporter of the event providing PSAs, spinning Jeff's new country single, "Long Way Home" and giving us air time to talk about the effects of addiction on our culture today and the way media & entertainment can either promote substance abuse or offer a voice to promote abstinence and raise awareness. 


Listen to the WLEW radio interview below!

WLEW Radio Interview - Jeff Chandler
00:00 / 00:00


Elias Mora Arte

One of the south's most talented & celebrated tattoo artists, Elias Mora, joins Emerge in raising scholarship funds to give men who are battling addiction a chance at recovery!  Tats, tacos and live music on the bill so far for this unique event...  Stay tuned for more details.


Visit Elias Mora Arte on Instagram to get a closer look at his amazing talent!

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